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What is Design Thinking?

Course Overview

Many of the problems organizations are facing today are complex and ill-defined requiring innovative solutions. This free course will introduce participants to an innovative approach that moves beyond simple improvement and instead uses a human-centered approach to address the unique needs and desires of customers, clients, and society. Join us for this brief introduction to learn if Design Thinking is the approach that will best meet you and your organization’s needs. 

Course Topics

  • What is Design Thinking?
  • Why is it important that Design Thinking is Human-Centered?
  • What kind of challenges is appropriate for Design Thinking?


There are no prerequisites for this course. 

Software Requirements

Participants will benefit from having access to a laptop with internet access.


In-Person: The in-person course is provided over four days on campus.

Virtual: Coming in late 2022


Contact Programs for Improvement and Innovation