Solutions for Organizations
Our instructors are experts in their respective areas of expertise and have decades of real-world experience. We have worked in various industries, from manufacturing to healthcare, and have used the tools and techniques in actual projects. We know what you are going through and can provide guidance, encouragement, and alternative ideas.
Our customers come from various industries, including manufacturing, food processing, electronics, government, healthcare, and banking. Our class sizes range from six to thirty. Topics for which we can provide customized solutions range from Lean Six Sigma to Executive Coaching around Improvement and Innovation strategies. We try to learn about your processes in each case and customize a solution to meet your needs. This could involve anything from single sessions to a multi-year contract.
“Michelin North America looked at several Lean Six Sigma programs before choosing North Carolina State to provide our Green Belt training and certifications. … I highly recommend North Carolina State to anyone interested in deploying Lean Six Sigma within their company or who individually would like to develop their continuous improvement skills.
Michael Ungar,
CI Metier Manager of Michelin Corporation
We can accommodate you at your facility, at our university, or a neutral location. We provide educational materials and lab equipment. We can even book the venue if you prefer. All we ask you to provide are the students and refreshments for them.
If you have a location outside the United States, we can accommodate your training needs there. The material is in English, so students need to understand the language. If you need the slides translated into a different language, that can be coordinated by working through the university.